Self AktuwalisasiPreliminary
self is a self-introduction in terms of inside and outside, with a very
supportive role to introduce themselves kepadsa others more clearly and
this article in it there is a self aktuwalisasi consisting of
biographical data itself, the journey of life, and the properties
themselves are formal and informal, have all been recorded in this
purpose of this article is to make the task of subjects softkill on
campus, in addition to the task of this article was made because I
wanted to introduce ourselves to others or readers as well as life
experiences that we may take the conclusion of this article and so
pancuan simple life.
ContentsMy name on the call lisna lisnawati usual. I was born on 09-Feb-1992 on Sunday, now I am 18 years old. my biological child of Bp. A.Nasir and mother. Euissariwati, I was the first child of three brothers, I am the only female child and my siblings are all men.Where I live in Perum Griya Permai cikampek, but for now I live in Jakarta until I graduated kuliiah. My hobbies are reading and writing in the book Tulas any imagination. My
goal is a career woman who read the article you might ask me why I want
to be a career woman because I wanted to elevate my parents and my
family from the economy fairly low until the economy.
Further Into EducationAll men are definitely of basic education or first initial, my education as follows:1. TK and SDI Al-Murtadlo cikampek2. SMP N 1 Tirtamulya cikampek3. SMK Tri Mitra Karya Mandiri cikampek4. University Gunadarma (I still run it)
That's all my education that I follow from small beginnings, middle, until the college.
Because for me it is very important for the education of my future.
continue the spirit and surrender of view do whatever is lawful to go to school.
Life experienceexperience of my life as a spinning wheel, sometimes there are over there sometimes below. I've felt the bitterness and sweetness of life all are mixed together. sometimes sad, sometimes happy, there are laughs and there was also crying.
I once referred to a very poor family economic point lower all of this when I was a kid in elementary school when the class 3.I
used to eat very minimal berkhidupan course I could only eat 1 day
cuman 1 time only it was just food tempeh, tofu, and oncom's all I eat
and my family, all my Father's very difficult just a motorcycle. although
I used is still relatively young but I have to think up my low due to
economic conditions, I do not view this life to give for my treasure is
not important that health is important and my parents my siblings, I run
it all very comfortable although small hearts I
always yell "why do not I just be rich? why I do not like other people
and my friends who all have" my little heart was shouting, but I think
adults should not get mad at this situation and this all Allah.swt for me the trials of Allah.swt I always believe it.Every
night I pray in supplication to Allah.swt to give a lot of ease and
good luck "Ya Allah make it easy to give and my family was sustenance,
help raise the degree of my family" that's what I always say at the
moment after the prayer, I was always patient and trust.I
berekonomi although I do not want to lower dropout every way I lakuin
course kosher, I never feel embarrassed when doing something lawful and
right, school fees I pay my own way so busking street children, I lakuin
that any return of school without my so
I am not afraid of school, a lot of ridicule and mocking of my friends
told me but I did not pay attention to their words are important I live
with a low economy and that they do not bother me in school is
short it turns out my prayers and my patience was heard by all in the
early Allah.swt my 2nd grade junior high school all over my family could
and mother I start entrepreneurial food store Alhamdulilahnya all goes
well and my family was a success, I prostrate gratitude once everything
may change but still my family always reminds me not arrogant at the
same time my family and I've had success it is today.I do not think these things can happen until I go to college at the University Gunadarma I am very proud of. I will never give up.stay patient, never give up, and trust.
conclusion of this article is basically a self-introduction is not of
course but of life where we can find the conclusion or lesson of his
life perjalannanwe can take from the good side and our bad side example if there is not enough to know only in instances
Hopefully, this article can be useful for reading the racing life.We are sorry if the words were less pleasing beg in maklumin
Maandag 29 April 2013
I. Studentsite
STUDENT SITE is a web-based facility that is intended for all students at the University Gunadarma are still active. With this facility, Gunadarma University students can collaborate and obtain mutual information between Gunadarma University academic community.
Student Site (studentsite) is provided for information of faculty and courses that can be directly known through the student website. This site can be used to support the teaching and learning process through· Schedule of lectures and exams,· Information or assignment of lecturers· List of Values While (DNS).· User ID and password on this studentsite can be used to access other ICT services is UG-Hotzone, Internet Lounge, Integrated Lab, Career Center, and the E-Learning Center.
Ease and Convenience StudentSite:
The ease and convenience of the students in carrying out the study at the University Gunadarma is one important factor that has always been a priority and the attention of the University to continue to be developed. One of the latest services provided to students is "STUDENT SITE" that has been launched on November 23, 2006. Within one week after socialization at the University Auditorium Gunadarma, the number of students who already take advantage of the latest facility of more than 500 people.
What can be done by the students in the SITE STUDENT?
Students can read the latest news about the University Gunadarma also published on the official website of the university. In addition, all academic news sourced from BAAK can also be monitored in a feature STUDENT SITE, namely
· LOCKER: As usual lockers to store personal items of the owner, this feature also save the message LOCKER lecturer (Lecture Message) awarded by the faculty of the students concerned, summary value, Class Schedule, and Exam Schedule. So by simply opening "LOCKER", students can know all things related to academic activities at the University Gunadarma.· ADDRESS BOOK: This feature can be used to manage the email addresses of the students concerned colleagues.· CALENDER: This feature allows the student should schedule daily agenda. Thus, there was no activity is missed or forgotten.· File Manager: This feature allows students to store and manage files· FORUM: This feature allows students to communicate and exchange ideas about the current hot topics today with his colleagues through this feature.· Polls: With this feature, students can gather opinions of his colleagues about a topic, event or phenomenon that is happening.· BOOKMARK is a feature that should be used by students who are seeking information through the internet, especially if they have a favorite site that they visit frequently. Because with this feature the students can save their favorite sites URL is for reference later.
In addition, students also acquire email facility with a capacity of 100 MB. The email feature can be accessed in one screen (window) application with STUDENT SITE, so that the students do not need to activate the browser application again to see or make the electronic mail. This feature also provides a common component such as filtering, managing folders, deleting, and others. Large capacity also makes students more flexibility to regulate the activity of electronic correspondence.TYPES OF SERVICES MENU STUDENTSITE:1. Homecan be used to see what the announcement was updated today as well as academic calendar, and stay ahead of the front page while opening studentsite.advantages: it can be quickly and easily for students to know what is the latest information at the time.shortcomings: there is no
2. www newscan be used to see what the latest news is relevant to the activities at the university Gunadarma.advantages: students can quickly and easily find out the latest news which is held by Gunadarma.Disadvantages: can not see any info or news on the news people.
3.baak newsCan see immediately atapun news announcement issued by BAAK, although the site can be viewed also through BAAK own site.advantages: students can easily see the important news items issued BAAK.shortcomings: there is no
4.Lecture messagesThis menu is used to view multiple tasks or orders from faculty or from Gunadarma administrator, this menu can help students to be able to see the tasks assigned faculty. so that the task can be done electronically.advantages: it can be seen automatically assigned task lecturer.shortcomings: there is no
5.Rangkuman valuecan view a summary of some value automatically include: workshops, PI / thesis, or trial, with the students can be easy to determine the value of each lecture.Pros: can see the value of each student, so fast and easy to know.shortcomings: there is no
6.Jadwal collegemenu to view the course schedule and hours of each class. This menu is helping students to easily find out about college.advantages: students can see firsthand the class schedule each class.shortcomings: sometimes clashing schedule another class premises and not immediately replaced.
7. Exam scheduleThe service menu is used to determine each student exam schedules, day, date, subjects were tested, and the room was clearly stated there.advantages: it is easy to know the students that the exam schedule will be conducted quickly and easily.shortcomings: there is no
8.Bebas libraryThe service menu is used for students to freely upon entering the library.advantages: it can directly sign up as a free student library.shortcomings: when clicking on a library-free bit confused, because after just clicked it says "your data is stored" means lacking in understanding, and yet to know whether the current library is free or not.
9.Surat informationThis menu is used to substitute for a written letter, with the service menu can easily to permit everything or need to ask permission and to apply.advantages: it can be easily students to apply for the course concerned.shortcomings: there is no
10. Attendance informationThis menu is used to view information about each class absences per student in question.advantages: it can directly see any information about student attendance itself.shortcomings: when opening the service menu, just turn up effect from year 2007, it is unknown what the info in it.
11. Race registration blogThe service menu is used for online or direct participants to register as a weekly blog competition.advantages: it can be easily and immediately if we want mendaftarkandiri as contestants blog.Disadvantages: can not see other people's blogs, and anyone who has registered the blog address to others, and only listed the name, NPM and our blog address only.
12.Info seminarThe service menu is used to view the info and news about the seminar which was held by Gunadarma.advantages: it can quickly find out the latest information seminar held seminar committee.shortcomings: when opening the service menu, just listed seminars alone, without knowing anything about the news of today's latest seminar, so students do not know the contents of the message it contains.
13. Writing (UG portfolio)This menu is used to submit our paper we have made in each blog.advantages: it is directly able to submit posts that we make on the blog.shortcomings: there is no
14. Task (UG portfolio)This menu is used to keng submit assignments that have been made in a personal blog.advantages: tasks that we make can directly submit.shortcomings: there is no
15. Deposit libraryThe service menu is used to allow users to library services to improve their knowledge.advantages: it can directly enroll as mehasiswa free library.shortcomings: there is no
16. News residentsThe service menu to see the news in the university bulletin Gunadarma citizens.advantages: existing news readers can be directly seen.shortcomings: when opening these services appear error establishing a database connection, so it can not see the info about the message of the citizens.
17. Blog banking communityThe service menu is used to view or make a blog kumonitas banking.advantages: it can directly view the latest news about the blog community banking.shortcomings: there is no
18. Linux community blogservice menu is the same, namely to see the linux community news.advantages: the community can follow news updates know that there is in the linux community blog.shortcomings: there is no
19. Photography Blog communitysame as above only this community for the photography alone.advantages: for the community to see news, profiles, and comments that are on it.shortcomings: there is no
20. Robotics community blogthis community is mostly in use on the IT faculty, DAPT see here for community news infoatau in it.advantages: for komunitan, could immediately see the news there.shortcomings: there is no
21. Kominutas Architecture BlogThe service menu is used for the user community blog architecture, and same as above can see the news there.advantages: for communities followers can easily see the info in it, mauoun existing comments.shortcomings: there is no
22. Islamic Economic Community Blogsame as the above, can make it easier for users komunitan containing about Islamic economics.advantages: it can directly view the news as well upload something on this blog.shortcomings: there is no
23. Capital markets community blogsame as above in use to see news for followers of the blog community capital markets.advantages: a follower of this blog community, can easily see the news taentang capital market itself.shortcomings: there is no
STRENGTHS:A. Can tell quickly to all students / student about some of the announcements that are important / suddenB. Can access some of the pages linked to the main university website effortlessly GunadarmaC. Multifunctional, can be an email client, a personal blog, or just a place to know a few important announcements
DISADVANTAGES:1. still too often studentsite dead / non-active, according to my analysis that this occurs because the bottleneck / too many students / student studentsite accessing a certain time in the same
2. still not functioning in some important utilitis studentsite, one of which is a function of the Calendar until I wrote this article still does not work.SITE:
I. Studentsite
STUDENT SITE is a web-based facility that is intended for all students at the University Gunadarma are still active. With this facility, Gunadarma University students can collaborate and obtain mutual information between Gunadarma University academic community.
Student Site (studentsite) is provided for information of faculty and courses that can be directly known through the student website. This site can be used to support the teaching and learning process through· Schedule of lectures and exams,· Information or assignment of lecturers· List of Values While (DNS).· User ID and password on this studentsite can be used to access other ICT services is UG-Hotzone, Internet Lounge, Integrated Lab, Career Center, and the E-Learning Center.
Ease and Convenience StudentSite:
The ease and convenience of the students in carrying out the study at the University Gunadarma is one important factor that has always been a priority and the attention of the University to continue to be developed. One of the latest services provided to students is "STUDENT SITE" that has been launched on November 23, 2006. Within one week after socialization at the University Auditorium Gunadarma, the number of students who already take advantage of the latest facility of more than 500 people.
What can be done by the students in the SITE STUDENT?
Students can read the latest news about the University Gunadarma also published on the official website of the university. In addition, all academic news sourced from BAAK can also be monitored in a feature STUDENT SITE, namely
· LOCKER: As usual lockers to store personal items of the owner, this feature also save the message LOCKER lecturer (Lecture Message) awarded by the faculty of the students concerned, summary value, Class Schedule, and Exam Schedule. So by simply opening "LOCKER", students can know all things related to academic activities at the University Gunadarma.· ADDRESS BOOK: This feature can be used to manage the email addresses of the students concerned colleagues.· CALENDER: This feature allows the student should schedule daily agenda. Thus, there was no activity is missed or forgotten.· File Manager: This feature allows students to store and manage files· FORUM: This feature allows students to communicate and exchange ideas about the current hot topics today with his colleagues through this feature.· Polls: With this feature, students can gather opinions of his colleagues about a topic, event or phenomenon that is happening.· BOOKMARK is a feature that should be used by students who are seeking information through the internet, especially if they have a favorite site that they visit frequently. Because with this feature the students can save their favorite sites URL is for reference later.
In addition, students also acquire email facility with a capacity of 100 MB. The email feature can be accessed in one screen (window) application with STUDENT SITE, so that the students do not need to activate the browser application again to see or make the electronic mail. This feature also provides a common component such as filtering, managing folders, deleting, and others. Large capacity also makes students more flexibility to regulate the activity of electronic correspondence.TYPES OF SERVICES MENU STUDENTSITE:1. Homecan be used to see what the announcement was updated today as well as academic calendar, and stay ahead of the front page while opening studentsite.advantages: it can be quickly and easily for students to know what is the latest information at the time.shortcomings: there is no
2. www newscan be used to see what the latest news is relevant to the activities at the university Gunadarma.advantages: students can quickly and easily find out the latest news which is held by Gunadarma.Disadvantages: can not see any info or news on the news people.
3.baak newsCan see immediately atapun news announcement issued by BAAK, although the site can be viewed also through BAAK own site.advantages: students can easily see the important news items issued BAAK.shortcomings: there is no
4.Lecture messagesThis menu is used to view multiple tasks or orders from faculty or from Gunadarma administrator, this menu can help students to be able to see the tasks assigned faculty. so that the task can be done electronically.advantages: it can be seen automatically assigned task lecturer.shortcomings: there is no
5.Rangkuman valuecan view a summary of some value automatically include: workshops, PI / thesis, or trial, with the students can be easy to determine the value of each lecture.Pros: can see the value of each student, so fast and easy to know.shortcomings: there is no
6.Jadwal collegemenu to view the course schedule and hours of each class. This menu is helping students to easily find out about college.advantages: students can see firsthand the class schedule each class.shortcomings: sometimes clashing schedule another class premises and not immediately replaced.
7. Exam scheduleThe service menu is used to determine each student exam schedules, day, date, subjects were tested, and the room was clearly stated there.advantages: it is easy to know the students that the exam schedule will be conducted quickly and easily.shortcomings: there is no
8.Bebas libraryThe service menu is used for students to freely upon entering the library.advantages: it can directly sign up as a free student library.shortcomings: when clicking on a library-free bit confused, because after just clicked it says "your data is stored" means lacking in understanding, and yet to know whether the current library is free or not.
9.Surat informationThis menu is used to substitute for a written letter, with the service menu can easily to permit everything or need to ask permission and to apply.advantages: it can be easily students to apply for the course concerned.shortcomings: there is no
10. Attendance informationThis menu is used to view information about each class absences per student in question.advantages: it can directly see any information about student attendance itself.shortcomings: when opening the service menu, just turn up effect from year 2007, it is unknown what the info in it.
11. Race registration blogThe service menu is used for online or direct participants to register as a weekly blog competition.advantages: it can be easily and immediately if we want mendaftarkandiri as contestants blog.Disadvantages: can not see other people's blogs, and anyone who has registered the blog address to others, and only listed the name, NPM and our blog address only.
12.Info seminarThe service menu is used to view the info and news about the seminar which was held by Gunadarma.advantages: it can quickly find out the latest information seminar held seminar committee.shortcomings: when opening the service menu, just listed seminars alone, without knowing anything about the news of today's latest seminar, so students do not know the contents of the message it contains.
13. Writing (UG portfolio)This menu is used to submit our paper we have made in each blog.advantages: it is directly able to submit posts that we make on the blog.shortcomings: there is no
14. Task (UG portfolio)This menu is used to keng submit assignments that have been made in a personal blog.advantages: tasks that we make can directly submit.shortcomings: there is no
15. Deposit libraryThe service menu is used to allow users to library services to improve their knowledge.advantages: it can directly enroll as mehasiswa free library.shortcomings: there is no
16. News residentsThe service menu to see the news in the university bulletin Gunadarma citizens.advantages: existing news readers can be directly seen.shortcomings: when opening these services appear error establishing a database connection, so it can not see the info about the message of the citizens.
17. Blog banking communityThe service menu is used to view or make a blog kumonitas banking.advantages: it can directly view the latest news about the blog community banking.shortcomings: there is no
18. Linux community blogservice menu is the same, namely to see the linux community news.advantages: the community can follow news updates know that there is in the linux community blog.shortcomings: there is no
19. Photography Blog communitysame as above only this community for the photography alone.advantages: for the community to see news, profiles, and comments that are on it.shortcomings: there is no
20. Robotics community blogthis community is mostly in use on the IT faculty, DAPT see here for community news infoatau in it.advantages: for komunitan, could immediately see the news there.shortcomings: there is no
21. Kominutas Architecture BlogThe service menu is used for the user community blog architecture, and same as above can see the news there.advantages: for communities followers can easily see the info in it, mauoun existing comments.shortcomings: there is no
22. Islamic Economic Community Blogsame as the above, can make it easier for users komunitan containing about Islamic economics.advantages: it can directly view the news as well upload something on this blog.shortcomings: there is no
23. Capital markets community blogsame as above in use to see news for followers of the blog community capital markets.advantages: a follower of this blog community, can easily see the news taentang capital market itself.shortcomings: there is no
STRENGTHS:A. Can tell quickly to all students / student about some of the announcements that are important / suddenB. Can access some of the pages linked to the main university website effortlessly GunadarmaC. Multifunctional, can be an email client, a personal blog, or just a place to know a few important announcements
DISADVANTAGES:1. still too often studentsite dead / non-active, according to my analysis that this occurs because the bottleneck / too many students / student studentsite accessing a certain time in the same
2. still not functioning in some important utilitis studentsite, one of which is a function of the Calendar until I wrote this article still does not work.SITE:
Holiday in Bali
Holiday in Bali
It was Thursday
evening. We were ready to have a journey to Bali island. There were 4 buses,
full of students. Every bus had 5 teachers as the coordinators to take care of
We left Jember
around 8 p.m. The buses moved slowly to Ketapang harbour. We arrived there
around 1 a.m. After that, we set out to Bali Island by ferry.
We arrived in
Gilimanuk harbour an hour later. The journey was continued to Tabanan. We
reached Tabanan at 6 a.m. The teachers and students had a chance to pray Subuh.
On the first day
in Bali, we had breakfast and took a bath in Kertalangu. After that we went
shopping in Cahayu and Sukawati. We prayed Jum’at at Puja Mandala where there
are 5 religious places laid there. There are a mosque, a church, a monastery,
and a shrine that are built in one area. Then we continued our tour to Tanjung
Benoa and Garuda Wisnu Kencana (GWK). We watched Kecak dance. We were happy to
watch them dancing powerfully live.
The second day we
spend the morning at Sanur Beach. We planned to enjoy sunrise. But,
unfortunately the cloud blocked the sun. So we couldn’t see the sunrise. We
left Sanur and dropped in Joger. Joger is a place that we can some famous
souvenir. Then we continued to Bedugul to enjoy Beratan Lake. After that we spent
the whole afternoon in Tanah Lot. But once more we were disappointed. The cloud
hindered the sun, so we couldn’t see the sunset.
Finally, our tour
finished. We went back to Jember on Saturday night. We were very tired, but we
were still happy enough because we enjoy Bali island without any disturbance.
The teacher decide to accept the paper.
2. They appreciate to have this information.
3. His father doesn’t approve of his going to Europe.
4. We found it very diffuclt to each a decision.
5. Donna is interested in opening a bar.
6. George has no intention of leaving the city now.
7. We are eager to return to school in the fall.
8. You wold be better off buying this car.
9. She refused to accept the gift.
10. Mary regrets to be the one to have to tell him.
11. George pretended being sick yesterday.
12. Carlos hopes to finish his thesis this year.
13. The a greed to leave carly.
14. Helen was anxious to tell her family about her promotion.
15. We are not ready to stop this research at this time.
16. Henry shouldn’t risk to drive so fast.
17. He demands to know what is going on.
18. She is looking forward to return to her country.
19. There is no excuse for leaving the room in this condition.
20. Gerald returned to his home after leaving the game
2. They appreciate to have this information.
3. His father doesn’t approve of his going to Europe.
4. We found it very diffuclt to each a decision.
5. Donna is interested in opening a bar.
6. George has no intention of leaving the city now.
7. We are eager to return to school in the fall.
8. You wold be better off buying this car.
9. She refused to accept the gift.
10. Mary regrets to be the one to have to tell him.
11. George pretended being sick yesterday.
12. Carlos hopes to finish his thesis this year.
13. The a greed to leave carly.
14. Helen was anxious to tell her family about her promotion.
15. We are not ready to stop this research at this time.
16. Henry shouldn’t risk to drive so fast.
17. He demands to know what is going on.
18. She is looking forward to return to her country.
19. There is no excuse for leaving the room in this condition.
20. Gerald returned to his home after leaving the game
Exercise 10:
Subject-Verb Agreement
Choose the correct of
the verb in parentheses in the following sentences.
1. John, along with twenty
friends (is/are) planning a party.
2. The picture of the soldiers
(bring/brings) back many memories.
3. The quallity of these
recordings (is/are) not very good.
4. If the duties of these
officers (isn’t/aren’t) reduced, there will not be enough time t finish
the project.
5. The effects of cigarette
smoking (have/has) been proven to be extremely harmful.
6. The use of credit cards in
place of cash (have/has) increased rapidly i recent years.
7. Advertisements on
television (is/are) becoming more competitive than ever before.
8. Living expenses in this
country, as well as in many others (is/are) at an all-time high.
9. Mr.Jones accompanied by
several members of the commite (have/has) proposed some changes of the
10. The levels of intoxication (vary/varies)
from subject to subject.
Exercise 11:
Subject-Verb Agreeement
Choose the correct
form of the verb in the following sentences.
1. Neither Bill nor Mary (is/are)
going to the play tonight.
2. Anything (is/are)
becoming than going to another movie tonight.
3. Skating (is/are)
becoming more popular every day.
4. A number of reporters
(was/were) at the conferences yesterday.
5. Everybody who (has/have)
a fever must go home immediately.
6. Your glasses (was/were)
on the bureai last night.
7. There (was/were)
some people at the meeting last night.
8. The committee (has/have)
already reached a decision.
9. A pair of jeans (was/were)
in the washing machine this morning.
10. Each student (has/have) answered the first
three questions.
11. Either John or his wife (make/makes)
breakfast each morning.
12. After she had perused the material, the secretary
decided that everything (was/ were) in order.
13. The crowd at the basketball game (was/
were) wild with excitement.
14. A pack of wild dogs (has/ have ) fightened
all the ducks away.
15. The jury (is/ are) trying go reach a
16. The army (has/ have) eliminated this
section of the training test.
17. The number of students who have withdrawn
from class this quarter (is/ are) appalling.
18. There (has/ have) been too many
interruptions in this class.
19. Every elementary school teacher (has/ have)
to take this examination.
20. Neither Jill nor her parents(has/ have)
seen this movie before.
Nama : Lisnawati
Kelas : 3eb15
Npm : 24210051

Social function: to retell events for the purpose of informing or
Generic structure
Orientation : provides the setting and introduces
and where)
Events : tell what
happened in a chronological order
Re-orientation :
optional-closure of events
Recount texts tell a series of events and evaluate their significance
in some way.
Language Features : - The use simple past tenses
S + V2 ( we went for a trip to the
zoo )
Activity 1. Answer these
following questions.
1. Do you have any interesting
experience to tell?
2. Can you recall it?
Will you tell your experience to your friend?
v Activity 2.Read and study the text
structure of the recount text.

I had a terrible day yesterday. First, I
woke up an hour late because my alarm clock didn't go off. Then, I was in such
a hurry that I burned my hand when I was making breakfast. After breakfast, I
got dressed so quickly that I forgot to wear socks. Next, I ran out of the
house trying to get the 9:30 bus, but of course I missed it. I wanted to take a
taxi, but I didn't have enough money.
Finally, I walked the
three miles to my school only to discover that it was Sunday! I hope I never
have a day as the one I had yesterday.
Taken from Ready to Write, 2003
Activity 3. Answer the
following questions based on the text activity 2.
1. What happened to the writer yesterday?
Why did he wake up an hour late?
What did he do after having breakfast?
How far did the writer walk
5. What does the writer hope?
v Activity 4. Say it Right and find their synonym.
1. wanted /wɒntɪd/
2. ran out
/rÊŒn aÊŠt/
3. walked /wÉ”:kd/
4. forgot /fÉ™'gÉ’t/
5. missed /mɪsd/
6. burned /bɜ:nd/
7. woke up /wÉ’k ÊŒp/
8. hurry /hʌrɪ/
9. terrible /'terəbl/
10. quickly /kwiklɪ/
Simple Past Tense
(+) S + V2
(-) S + did not + V1
(?) Did + S +
To talk about past events and conditions, you use VERB-2 forms. Here are
some examples taken from the text.
(+) I joined the Traditional Dance Competition
in Jakarta last year.
(-) I did not feel nervous anymore.
The adverbs that are usually used in the ‘simple
past tense’ sentences are:
Yesterday, last week, a week ago, …ago,
Activity 5. Fill in the
blanks with correct verb forms. Look at the example.
v Activity 6. Ask your classmate is sitting
next to you and say what you did last weekend. For example:
v Activity 7. Study and pronounce the following words. Then, read the text on Torajan
funeral and answer the questions.
balcony (kb) : balkon
coffin (kb) : peti mati
corpse (kb) : jenazah
elaborate (ks) : rumit
kin (kb) : sanak; famili
slaughter (kkt) : menyembelih
My Grandpa’s Funeral in Toraja
Last month my family and I went to Toraja to
attend Grandpa’s funeral. It was my
first time to go to such a ceremony. We gathered there with our kind in the
Overall, the ceremony was quite elaborate. It took about a week. Several
days before the ceremony was done, grandpa’s body was kept in a series of
houses arranged in circular row around an open field called tongkonan.
His corpse was dressed in a fine wearing.
The funeral was performed in two phases. First,
we slaughtered the pigs and buffaloes, and then moved the corpse to face north.
In this ceremony we wore black clothes. After that, the corpse was placed in a
sandal wood coffin. Then, it was brought out of the house and placed on an open
platform beneath the granary. Meanwhile, my uncle, my brother, and I prepared
the wooden puppet and a funeral tower called lakian. The next phase of
the ceremony was held in this place. The coffin is borne from the house and
placed in the lakian. During the day, there were also buffalo matches.
They were great matches. In the night, we were feasting, chanting, and dancing.
On the last day, the grandpa’s coffin were
lowered from the funeral tower and brought up to the mountainside family
graveyard. Great shouting and excitement followed it from the relatives and the
guests. Finally, we installed the wooden puppet on a high balcony where other
puppets representing the members of a whole family were already there.
The funeral ceremonies made my family and me
tired. However, we were grateful because it ran smoothly.
Adapted from:
1. When did the writer attend the funeral?
2. How long did the writer and his family hold
the ceremony?
3. What did they do to the corpse before the funeral
was done?
4. What did they do after the corpse was placed
in a sandal wood coffin?
5. What did
they do on the last day of the ceremony?
In a recount
text, you find words and phrases used to start, connect a sentence with the
next one, and
end your
composition. Those words and phrases are: First, Then, After that, Final.
Let’s Make a Summary
A recount text is a text that
tells about a part of experience. A recount text has an orientation, a series
of events in chronological order, personal remarks on the events, and a
re-orientation that “rounds off” the sequence of events. In the text, you will
find words and phrases used to start, connect a sentence with the next one, and
end your composition.
Social function : to amuse,
entertain and to deal with actual or vicarious experience
in different ways.
Generic Structure :
Orientation : sets the scene and introduces the
participants (intro-
duces the
main characters in a setting of time
Complication: a crisis/ problems
Resolution : the crisis is
resolved, for better or for worse.
Language Features : - use of noun phrases ( a beautiful princess, huge
use of Simple Past Tenses ( He
walked away from the village)
- use of nouns and pronouns to
identify people or things involved;
- use of conjunction and time
connectives to sequence the events;
- use
of adverbs and adverbial phrases to indicate place and time;
- use of adjectives to describe nouns.
Activity 1. Answer these
following questions.
1. Have you
ever written a story?
2. What
do you do first when you write a story?
3. Have you ever written a fairy tale?
4. Are
there any differences between writing fairy tales and ordinary short stories?
v Activity 2.Read and study the text structure of the
narrative text.
The Fortune Teller
In the great city of Taipei,
there lived a man called Lin and his wife. They had no children. Because of
this, they were very unhappy. One day, they found a baby boy outside their
door. He was wrapped in a blanket and crying. They took the baby into their
house and called him Sau Ling. They loved him very much.
When Sau Ling was a young man,
a fortune-teller came to the house. "You must send your son away," he
said. "One day he will become a thief and cause you a lot of
Mr and Mrs Lin were very
sad to hear this. They believed what the fortune-teller said. They gave Sau
Ling some clothes and money and sent him away.
Several years later, Sau Ling
was having a meal in an inn several miles from Taipei. He put his bag on the
floor near his table. After finishing his meal, he picked up his bag.
"That's strange!" he thought, "It feels so heavy."He looked
inside. It was full of small gold bars. Then he realized that someone had taken
his bag by mistake and left another bag, in its place.
That evening, a young
man came to the inn, "Has anyone seen my bag?" he asked. Sau Ling was
very honest. He returned the bag to him. The young man thanked him. "You
are really very honest," he said, "I shall ask may to say. He left
the house without saying a word. Mr and Mrs Lin never believed in
fortune-teller after that. Sau Ling took them to live with him and they were
very happy and contented until the end of their lives.
Taken from Favorite Stories from Taiwan, 2000
Activity 3. Punctuate and
capitalize the following story.
one day a
monkey wanted to cross a river he saw a crocodile in the river so he asked the
crocodile told the monkey to jump onto its back then the crocodile swam down
the river
now the
crocodile was very hungry so when it was in the middle of the river it stopped
and said to the monkey monkey my father is very sick he must eat the heart of a
monkey the he will be strong again
the monkey
thought for a while then he told the crocodile to swim back to the river
bankwhat for asked the crocodile because i didn't bring my heart with me said
the monkey I left it under the tree near some coconuts
so the
crocodile turned around and swam back to the bank of the river as soon as they
reached the river bank the monkey jumped off the crocodiles back and climbed up
to the top of a tree
where is
your heart asked the crocodile
you are
foolish the monkey said to the crocodile now i am free and you have
the monkey
told the crocodile not to try to trick him again the crocodile swam away hungry
Taken from
Activity 4.Answer
the following questions based on the text in Activity3Setting n
v Activity 5. Read another narrative story .
A crow, perched in a tree with a piece of cheese
in his beak, attracted the eye and nose of a fox. "If you can sing as
prettily as you sit," said the fox, "then you are the prettiest
singer within my scent and sight." The fox had read somewhere, and
somewhere, and somewhere else, that praising the voice of a crow with a cheese
in his beak would make him drop the cheese and sing. But this is not what happened
to this particular crow in this particular case.
"They say you are sly and they say you are
crazy," said the crow, having
carefully removed the cheese from his beak with the claws of one foot,
"but you must be nearsighted as well. Warblers wear gay hats and colored
jackets and bright vest, and they are a dollar a hundred. I wear black and I am
I am sure you are," said the fox, who was
neither crazy nor nearsighted,
but sly. "I recognize you, now that I look more closely, as the most famed
and talented of all birds, and I fain would hear you tell about yourself, but I
am hungry and must go." "Tarry awhile," said the crow quickly,
"and share my lunch with me." Whereupon he tossed the cunning fox the
lion's share of the cheese, and began to tell about himself. "A ship that
sails without a crow's nest sails to doom," he said. "Bars may come
and bars may go, but crow bars last forever. I am the pioneer of flight, I am
the map maker. Last, but never least, my flight is known to scientists and
engineers, geometricians, and scholar, as the shortest distance between two
points. Any two points," he concluded arrogantly. "Oh, every two
points, I am sure," said the fox. "And thank you for the lion's share
of what I know you could not spare." And with this he trotted away into
the woods, his appetite appeased, leaving the hungry crow perched forlornly in
the tree.
Taken from
Activity 6.Answer the following
questions based on the text in Activity5
1. How many
characters are there in the story?
2. Where did the story probablLet’s Make a Summary
Every text has its own structure. The structure of
narrative text consists of three parts: complication, and resolution.
Orientation describes scene and introduces the participants of the story.
Complication begins when there is a problem in resolution. The structure of
narrative text occurs in the text variously. A text may have only one
complication and resolution but another text may have more than complication
and resolution
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